Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Some say that Bush is dummer than a stump because he can't speak the Queen's English properly. I mean he obviously must not know a tater from a potato since he can't seem to get the pronunciation of nuclear right. I mean, he's driving the liberals and other anal types crazy by saying nu-cul-ar rather than nu-cle-ar.

Well, guess what? That's the way I say it too! It's a fact that for over 30 years my one and only squeeze has tried to get me to say it the "proper" way. Now, this is coming from a gal from ol' Virginny, where they really talk funny when they talk about having a mouse in the house.

Anyway, over at Polipundit one of the posters [an obviously brilliant SOS (Son of the South)] gave the link to the Merrian-Websters Online dictionary with a audio file of acceptable pronunciations of nuclear. Guess what? Yep. It seems most Southerns, Brits, and Canadians say nuclear just like W--and the Queen! Yes! There is a God in heaven!

Needless to say that I bookmarked that link to share with My Lady at the opportune moment.