Monday, October 18, 2004


A number of Evangelical Christian organizations joined forces this weekend in Washington DC to publically proclaim their support for a Protection of Marriage Amendment to the Constitution. Prominent speakers included Chuck Colson, Anne Graham Lotz, Dr. James Dobson, Alan Chambers, and a host of other leading evangelical leaders. Read the article here.

Thousands of people, many of them evangelical Christians, gathered on the Mall yesterday for a three-hour rally to protest same-sex marriage and defend what they call "biblical, traditional marriage."

If someone said to you, "What's wrong with letting gays marry?", how would you answer? Have you thought deeply about God's intention for marriage? Do you believe that marriage is a unique institution designed by God for the physical and spiritual union of one man and one woman? Are you able to give a clear and sound explanation of why it is so important that the biblical, tradition form of marriage be protected by our federal government?

If not, I suggest you read this article about the sanctity of marrage.