Thanks DJ for posting my profile on Polipundit. Welcome to all who were willing to take a closer look at MissionMind. The name MissionMind is from a non-profit organization I recently founded to help Christians demonstrate, declare and defend the historic Christian faith. Our mission is to love God with all our strength, our souls, and our minds. For too long Christians have lived as thought the old cliche "Christianity is intellectual suicide" were true. It is anything but. I have never been so intellectually stimulated and challenged as I have since becoming a Christian!
You may have noticed that things Christian have become a target of intolerance lately. Liberals claim tolerance about everything except the Christian faith and the ACLU and others are making a concerted effort to remove all God-talk (particularly that of Jesus) from the public arena. Sadly, too many Christians are unable or unwilling to speak out against the outright lies and false accusations communicated daily through the media, the entertainment industry, and the education system.
I was well trained as a missionary to demonstrate God's love through acts of mercy and to declare the biblical way to reconciliation with God. I was not prepared , however, to confront the secular and postmodern worldviews of today with a clear explanation of the Christian worldview. That's why I've taken a sabattical from missions to study Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary.
The seminary was founded by Dr. Norm Geilser, one of the leading apologists today. Dr. Geisler has written over 60 books on the subject and personally influenced such giants in the field as Ravi Zacharias, Josh McDowell, John Ankerberg, Hank Hanegraaff, and Frank Beckwith, to name a few. I firmly believe Christians today must be trained in the first principles of sound rational thinking and Christian apologetics. As Dr. Geisler says, "Christians must be like cultural doctors. We must study the diseases before we can diagnose and proscribe the cures."
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