Monday, October 18, 2004


Hugh Hewitt Symposium: Why vote for Bush, and what's wrong with Kerry?

Why I'm voting for President Bush.

First, I lived in Texas for a while so we have kind of a, cowboy bonding thing going on.

President George W. Bush walks like a horseman,
talks as little as possible,
works as hard as he can,
plays as hard as he should,
appreciate people praying for him,
likes to clear underbrush,
drives a pickup,
runs a chainsaw,
loves dogs,
kicks cats,
would die to protect his wife and kids,
believes God hears him when he prays,
his word is his bond,
his handshake is as good as his signature,
is loyal to his friends,
keeps an eye on his enemies,
can spot a phony a mile away,
won't tolerate posturing,
thinks kids should pray in school,
loves real sports--like baseball,
believes in the Constitution,
believes life begins at conception,
hates the killing of innocent life through abortion,
thinks justice should be swift and severe,
believes the guilty should pay bigtime for their crimes,
believes marrage is sacred and between one man and one woman until death,
believes sin is real and evil must be defeated,
believes the president's first job is to protect Americans from people who want to hurt them,
and believes finishing well is more important than starting good.

As the Kerropeans say, "He's a cowboy, just like Reagan."
And I say, "Amen!"

Why I'm not voting for Kerry:
He's not a cowboy.