This election has become a time to try men's souls.
I have been ferverently praying for President Bush's reelection, however, I'm starting to get concerned that God may have other plans in mind. Let me explain.
Yesterday I was listening to our local talk radio show as I drove back from a break in the NC mountains. The topic was "faith and politics" and in addition to the two hosts and a lot of agitated callers, the guests were our US Congressman Walter B. Jones and two local pastors, one from our largest black church and one from a pro-life Methodist church. Lockwood the main host is a long-time friend and fellow Christian conservative who has frequently invited me to guest as the resident Christian apologist (I think I'm might be the only one he knows.)
The issue being discussed at that moment was the proper role of church-state relations and I couldn't resist calling in to add my two-cents worth. I thought I had a brilliant position on the distinct, but complimentary, roles of the God-ordained missions of the church vs. civil government.
Then Pastor Paul the Methodist (we serve together on the board of our local Crisis Pregnancy Center) floored me. He said God isn't an American, nor is he a Republican. What God is concerned with in America is how well His people are following His plan for our nation. Paul explained that God uses civil government to both bless and discipline the nation and His people. Therefore, we need to be willingly to accept the outcome of the election as being directly from the hand of God. Then Paul closed by saying our highest calling is to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So, my friends, my prayer focus has broadened a bit since yesterday afternoon. I continue to pray and work for the reelection of President Bush. However, I now include a prayer of humble intercession for Senator Kerry. For our God may sovereignly chose the Kerry administration as just what this nation and His children need and deserve right now. That is what travailing in prayer is all about.