Sunday, October 03, 2004


It appears John Kerry may have used notes during the first debate, a direct violation of the agreed upon rules. The video clip on the Drudge Report shows Kerry pulling something out of his pocket and fiddling with it on the podium. Maybe it was the lucky pen he got in Cambodia. Oh, right, that was a hat.

Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if he did cheat. Kerry has been fudging the rules for a long time, folks, so why should it frost our windows now? From his exaggerated combat heroics to his flip-floping on every issue, Kerry has proven himself unconstrained by conscience or ethics.

What is creepy is the way Kerry pulled the notes from his coat pocket as he approached his podium. Right there in front of God and everybody and with a big grin on his face. Kerry knew Jim Lehrer wasn't going to call him on it. Therefore he watched the President to make sure he didn't see him. I'd call Kerry a weasel but I don't want to denegrate the species.