Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Former PA Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen):
If we were to sum up where we have ended up after four years of the Intifada, [we would find that] there are three opinions: the first opinion is that after the killing of 1,000 Israelis in the Intifada, Israel would collapse, as would Sharon; the second opinion is that the armed Intifada would liberate the homeland; the third opinion is that the Intifada would bring the settlements to a halt. An examination [of the matter] shows that Sharon did not fall. On the contrary, he has become the most popular [leader] in the history of Israel, after having been subjected to condemnations in Israel. On the same note, all of the Palestinian lands are now occupied and vulnerable, and the settlements have nearly doubled. We damaged our relations with the Americans and with Israeli public opinion; the latest statement from the Quartet is an additional indication of what has become of us.
Finally, a brave Palestinian who is willing to speak the truth about the madness of Arafat's Intifada. One wonders how long Addas will continue to breathe the raified air of the Holy Land. We were commanded by the Prince of Peace to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That seems more important now than ever.